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![]() Nikolay I. Laguntsov Date of birth: 14 May 1947 Education 1971 – M.S. degree (Physics), Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) 1977 – Ph.D (Physics&Mathematics), Moscow Engineering Physical Institute Professional Career 1978–present – Professor at Moscow Engineering Physical Institute 1993–2009 – Head of Scientific-Education Centre at A.V.Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences (TIPS RAS) and MEPhI 1993–present – Leading Reseacher of TIPS RAS 1995-present – Director general of JSC “Aquaservice” 1980-1981 – Visiting Professor at Colorado State University , USA 2000 – Visiting Professor Aristotel University , Tessaloniki , Greece 1999,2000, 2001 – Visiting Professor Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland Fields of Interest Membrane technology, hydrodynamics, molecular physics, stochastic dynamics, porous media, gas-liquid contactors, membrane gas separation, recirculation schemes and cascades of membrane modules, water purification. Research Supervision 6 PhD and 52 M.S. degrees supervised through December 2006. Two Ph.D. students and six graduate students in progress 2006 – supervisor of RFBR grant “Molecular gas transfer in membrane-liquid contactor systems” Publications 56 articles and 17 patents. Selected publications: 1. N. I. Laguntsov, E. B. Gruzdev, E. V. Kosykh and V. Y. Kozhevnickov, The use of recycle permeator systems for gas mixture separation, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 67, Issue 1, 4 March 1992, Pages 15-28 2. Kim V.E., Laguntsov N.I., Karpuhin V.F., Lisyuk B.S. Water purification method. Patent RF № 2114787. bull. № 19, 1998 3. V. Usachov, N. Laguntsov, A. Okunev, V. Teplyakov, S. Glukhov. Experimental Study of the Membrane Contactor Systems for Gas Dehumidification. Ars Separatoria Acta 2 (2003) pp. 36-46 4. V. Kim, D. Feklistov, Y. Penkina, N. Laguntsov. Encapsulated Di-2-Ethylhexylphosphoric Acid: Synthesis, Dispersity And Extraction Properties. Ars Separatoria Acta 3 (2004) pp. 40-50 5. D. Roizard, V. Teplyakov, E. Favre, L. Fefilatiev, V. Khotimsky, N. Laguntsov. VOCs removal from water with a hybrid system coupling a PTMSP membrane module with a stripper. Desalination 162 (2004) pp.41-46 6. M.V. Tsodikov, N.I. Laguntsov, M.I. Magsumov, P.V. Spiridonov, O.V. Bukhtenko, T.N. Zhdanoda, and V.V. Teplyakov, Oxidation of CO in microchannels of ceramic membranes modified with oxide catalytic coatings, Russian Chemical Bulletein, Int. ed., 2004, Vol. 53, № 12, pp. 2723-2729 7. D. Roizard, V. Teplyakov, E. Favre, L. Fefilatiev, V. Khotimsky, E. Talantseva, N.Laguntsov. Design and Study of an Innovative Hybrid Membrane System For VOC’s recovery From Water. Proceedings of the International Symposium “Application of Nanotechnologies for Separation and Recovery of Volatile Organic Compounds from Waste Air Stream”, 30-31 May, 1 June 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 51-58 8. N.I. Laguntsov, E.V. Levin, A.Yu. Okunev, R.S. Hafizov, Yu. N. Sidyganov. Experimental Plant for Bio-Fuels Manufacturing with Gas Separation Block Based on Membrane Contactor System. Abstracts of Presentation 8th International Seminar on “Bio-Fuels in Clean Power Production and Transport”, 29-30 November 2005, Moscow, Russia, pp.42-45 9. Kozhevnikov V.Yu., Laguntsov N.I., Levin E.V., Okunev A.Yu., Hafizov R.S. Patent RF №51898 at request №2005133113/22 of 28.10.2005, bul. №7 of 10.03.2006 10. Laguntsov N., Kim V., Krasnov P., Neschimenko Y., Borisenko M., Odintsov A., Fartunin A. The Vortex Activation Method of reagent Water Treatment, Ars Separatoria Acta 4 (2006) 57-66 11. N.I. Laguntsov, A.Yu. Okunev, V.V. Teplyakov. New research and developments in gas/vapor separation by membrane contactor systems. Desalination, Volume 200, Issues 1-3, 20 November 2006, pp. 432-434 12. I.M. Kurchatov, N.I. Laguntsov, G.I. Pisarev, V.N. Tronin, V.I. Uvarov Peculiarities of Gas Transfer through the Composite Membranes. Proceedings of the XXIth International Symposium on Physico-Chemical Methods of Separation “ARS SEPARATORIA 2006”, July 2-5, 2006, Torun, Poland, p. 55-56 |