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Полимерных мембран

Ведущая лаборатория в области разработки полимерных мембран
и процессов на их основе для разделения газов и жидких сред


Alexander Yu. Okunev

Date of birth: 1981

2004 – M.S. degree (Physics); Molecular physics department, Faculty of hi-tech physics and economics, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)

Professional Career
1998-2004 - Student, Faculty of hi-tech physics and economics, MEPhI. Participation in membrane research activities at A.V.Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences (TIPS RAS)
2001-present - research worker JCS “Aquaservice”
2004-present - Ph.D.-student (Molecular physics chair, MEPhI; supervisor Prof. N.I. Laguntsov)
2004-present assistant professor at MEPhI
2005-present research worker at TIPS RAS

Fields of Interest
Thermodynamics, molecular physics, chemical hydrodynamics, membrane technology, membrane gas absorption, gas-liquid contactors, membrane gas separation.

Research Supervision
3 M.S. degrees supervised through December 2006. Four graduate students in progress
2006 – supervisor of RFBR grant “Molecular gas transfer in membrane-liquid contactor systems”

Awards and Personal Grants
2001 – state of Russian Federation students scholarship
2001 – third place at All-Russian student competition on Resistance of materials
2002, 2004 – Diplomas for reports on scientific sessions MEPhI
2004 – Graduated from MEPhI with diploma of excellent grade ("Red Diploma")
2006 – Poster Award 1-st Place on Engineering Conferences International (Advanced Membrane Technology III, Italy)
2006 – participant of the MEPhI teachers staff reserve supporting program

1. A. Okunev, V. Usachov, N. Laguntsov, V. Teplyakov, S. Glukhov, Experimental Study of the Membrane Contactor Systems for Gas Dehumidification, Ars Separatoria Acta, №2, 2003, pp. 36-46

2. Kozhevnikov V.Yu., Laguntsov N.I., Levin E.V., Okunev A.Yu., Hafizov R.S. Patent RF №51898 at request №2005133113/22 of 28.10.2005, bul. №7 of 10.03.2006.

3. Laguntsov N.I.1, Levin E.V., Okunev A. Yu., Hafizov R.S., Sidyganov Yu.N., Experimental Plant For Bio-Fuels Manufacturing With Gas Separation Block Based On Membrane Contactor System, Abstracts of Presentation 8th International Seminar on “Bio-Fuels in Clean Power Production and Transport”, 29-30 November 2005, Moscow, Russia, pp.42-45

4. M. G. Shalygin, A. Yu. Okunev, D. Roizard, E. Favre, and V. V. Teplyakov, Gas Permeability of Combined Membrane Systems with Mobile Liquid Carrier, Colloid Journal, M., Vol. 68, No. 4, 2006, pp. 518-526

5. V.V. Teplyakov, A.Yu. Okunev and N.I. Laguntsov, New research and developments in gas/vapor separation by membrane contactor systems, Desalination, Volume 200, Issues 1-3, 20 November 2006, Pages 432-434

6. V.V. Teplyakov, A.Yu. Okunev and N.I. Laguntsov, Computer design of recycle membrane contactor systems for gas separation, Separation and Purification Technology, In Press
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